Thursday, February 28, 2019

Understanding the Six Essential Areas of Law Practice

It does not matter if an individual is planning to attend law school or hoping to resolve an issue through legal assistance, being thoroughly acquainted with different areas of practice right from start is mandatory. Just imagine contacting a finance attorney so that you can have an amicable divorce or studying how exactly to handle accident cases when all you wished to learn was about white-collar felonies. Well, even though there are varied types of law, in this particular write-up, I have tried to explain a few major ones among the lot. 

  1. Dispute Resolution- It can be divided into two parts namely adjudicative procedure comprising litigation, arbitration, and involvement of a third party for final judgment and consensual procedure including negotiation, conciliation, and mediation for arriving at a final conclusion, usually with help from an autonomous facilitator. 
  2. Family Law- This sector is proliferating at a considerable speed since 1970s after judges and legislators decided to reevaluate and reframe legitimate relationships. It manages domestic affairs such as marriages or civil partnerships. At present, family law is also entangled with various national discussions on arrangement of family, morality, and gender bias. 
  3. Criminal law-Established by a definite enactment, it deals with punishing those who have committed tax fraud, severe drug offense, extortion, money laundering, internet scam, and other acts that completely goes against code of conduct. Even though several professionals claim to offer quality representation, studies have shown that a NYC federal criminal defense attorney is best. She is proficient, experienced, and currently member of many noted Bar Associations. 
  4. Insurance Law- It is contractual and involves proceedings when an insurance claim is violated. Well, the law could be categorized into three parts- proper regulation of business plans, control over different insurance policies with special regard to consumer rights, and adjusting entitlements. 
  5. Property Law- It is known for governing different kinds of tenancy and ownership in as well as associated with properties. Prior to procuring further information, let us try understanding two types of property available. Real property includes buildings and land and personal property such as jewelry, shares, etc. 
  6. Human Rights- All human beings are entitled to certain rights which if forcefully not provided to them can be dealt via legal proceedings. According to United Nations Organization that defends human rights under all circumstances have said torture, slavery, conviction without proper trial is punishable. 

If you are on a look out for a legal practitioner or hoping to become one yourself, make sure to pay utmost attention towards the diverse specializations specified above. 

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